Sunday, June 16, 2013

5 months old

Today when I looked into Grady's eyes...
I looked at him and I thought about the kind of Mom I want to be.
Because, lets face it, I’ve only had this position for 5 months and the job description is changing daily. I’m still becoming who he needs me to be, and chances are, I’ll never completely get there.

 But this I know for sure…
I know I want to be the kind of Mom who:
Loves completely,
speaks kindly,
say’s sorry
and gives without expecting in return.

I know I’ll make mistakes.
Every day.
Day one of becoming a Mom, and my expectations of perfection went flying out the window.

I’m just hoping to be the kind of Mom that enters his heart and takes up permanent residence of even some small corner long after he's left home to start a family of his own. I want him to love with his whole heart, to give without expectation, to transform his weaknesses into strengths and ultimately…I want his kindness to be my legacy.
We love you Grady, Mommy & Daddy

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